Counseling » How Do I Order Transcripts?

How Do I Order Transcripts?

Ordering transcripts is fast and easy!

Just visit the Parchment Website, create an account and tell us where to send your transcripts. Both official and unofficial transcripts can be ordered via Parchment. Need help? Click on the video for a demonstration.


order trnascriptclick here



Please note the following:

  • Mrs. Kaminsky is the BHS Registrar and she will be your point of contact regarding transcripts. 
  • It is very important to create your Parchment account with correct information. Use the name you had when you were enrolled at BHS along with your birthday (and your BUSD ID # if at all possible) to create your account. If Mrs. Kaminsky can't find you in the school's databases, she won't be able to complete your Parchment request.
  • Do not use your or other student email accounts to create your Parchment account. Please use a Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, iCloud or even Netscape email account when you set things up.
  • Do not order an official, electronic transcript to be sent personally to you. You will invalidate the transcript. Please have it mailed to your house or sent to whoever needs it instead. If you select for it to be mailed to yourself, it will be sent in a sealed envelope. Please do not open it or it will invalidate the transcript.
  • Unofficial transcripts are free so you can order as many as you want.
  • If you are a current BHS student and need an official transcript for a scholarship, please let Mrs. Kaminsky know first before you make your order. 
  • PARENTS, you do not need to order a transcript via Parchment to withdraw your student from BHS. Please contact the Enrollment Department at the District office. Your student's new school will order records from us when you have enrolled them and we will send them as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mrs. Kaminsky at (951) 845-3171 ext. 343133 or via email at [email protected]  You can also visit her on campus. She is located across the hall from the Health Office in the A - Building.

Records Request:
If you are an educational establishment and need records, please submit an official request on letterhead to our Registrar, Mrs. Kaminsky, via email or fax.
Fax: (951)-769-9289
Phone: (951)-845-3171 Ext. 343133