Counseling » Work Permits

Work Permits

Minors employed in the state of California must have a work permit. 
If you need to obtain a work permit, please review the information below.
  • A 2.0 GPA is required to be eligible for a work permit. Quarter grades are used to determine your eligibility, not cumulative GPA. The most recent quarter grades will be used to determine the student's GPA.
  • You may pick up a work permit application from the counseling office Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Use this form or the one that is found below. These are the only forms you should be giving your employer. Some employers might have their own copies but the one that is provided by BHS is the one required to be completed.
  • You may drop off completed work permit application at the counseling office Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
  • Allow one school day for processing. We will need a minimum of one school day to process your work permit application.  Processing times will vary at the beginning of the school year and when school is closed for extended breaks. 
  • Picking up permits is available after school only. Do not come in before school or during passing period. 
  • Please make sure you complete both sides of the application with your parents and your employer. If any portion of the application is incomplete, then application will be returned to you. This will cause a delay in processing the permit. 
  • You do not need to complete a whole new application if you are still working at the same location. If you need to renew your permit, you will need to fill out a renewal form that is available in the Counseling Office.

Please use this information for future reference. If for any reason you need clarification or have a question you can email Suzanne Ramirez, Counseling Technician, at [email protected] 

Thank you all and have a great day!

Last updated:03/04/2024