IM3 Period 4 Assignments
- Instructor
- Grace Bronzini
- Term
- 2023-2024 School Year
- Department
- Mathematics
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Past Assignments

Edpuzzle - Copy of Graphing Sine and Cosine Trig Functions With Transformations, Phase Shifts, Period - Domain & Range
Include angle meaures in degrees for 30, 45, 60 and equivalent radian measures (pi/6, pi/4, pi/6 etc.) and all references angles in Quadrants II, III and IV. Include EXACT coordinates of each angle for these angles. Write you Name in INK somewhere in the center and UPLOAD A PICTURE of your completed Unit Circle here
For teacher created problems (2,3,8,9) you must state what you did incorrectly and do the problem correctly on paper. Turn in paper to Mrs. B to recieve these points
Sub assignment: DUE AT THE END OF THE PERIOD! All team members have the same problems! Work together through each problem, use a work shown page with your name and turn into sub.
a)ExPractice Law of Sines and Cosines (with Answer Key)
b) Ch 8 Study Guide Part 2: Google Doc Problems " Solving Equations with Logarithms" "Inverses" "Exponential Functions"
c) See DeltaMath Ch8 Study Guide Part1
b) Ch 8 Study Guide Part 2: Google Doc Problems " Solving Equations with Logarithms" "Inverses" "Exponential Functions"
c) See DeltaMath Ch8 Study Guide Part1
Each question is worth 10 points. Assessment is 100pts total. #11 and #12 are Extra Credit
Optional, not required but strongly suggested in order to perform well on the test! It's yours if you want it!
Complete problems from class, Upload pictures of today's completed classwork problems
Specifically for Non-CaASPP testers. But for anyone opportunity For extra credit!
Complete Teen Driving Task on Secure Browser. Turn in Work Shown page with Self-Grade Rubric score.
Complete Teen Driving Task on Secure Browser. Turn in Work Shown page with Self-Grade Rubric score.
Click on the link below to start the game
Click on the link below to start the game
Attempt the problems with your team in class, complete at home if not! Upload pic of work here.
Watch video with team, take notes and do the team problems together on separate sheet of paper. DUE AT THE END OF CLASS.
Take Notes in your Notebook as you go through the slides
Turn in Tuesday IN class or you must upload pics of your work shown here!
Copy each example into your notebook under Lesson 7.2.2 Law of Sines
Show your work for each problem, upload pics here for credit!
Do in the FRONT of your NB, after Handout for 7.1.3, upload pic for assignment credit
copy/Summarize in the front of your notebook after Lesson 7.1.1. Check out the video below for extra understanding!
Work with your team to solve each problem. Due at the end of the period for FULL CREDIT!
Its' encouraged to WATCH the VIDEOS and take notes to the FRONT of your notebook to study and use notes on QUIZ/TEST.
Must have completed HW assignments #1 and #2, evn if it wasn't turned in by the grace period, attempt/complete and show me or email in order to recieve these points.
In the first sections on evaluating logs, you may skip it if you get ln or e. We will not cover this concept until later in the semester!

EX Credit Opportunity (6.2.3) 6-58 Practice problems for Extra Credit #1-20 (1pt each, must show work)
Upload picture of work here.

HW #1 Cpm (Ebook) 6.2.3 Problem 6-58 Checkpoint "Solving complicated equations and systems of equations"
Spiral Review Math3 level content. Click on link at the bottom of the problem or the link below to view Example Problems, copy them into your notebook for extra practice, try extra problems for further review.
Please Number and Show your work for each problem to allow for partial credit if needed!
This is worth 54 points in the gradebook under assignments! Make sure you earn the points for credit! If you currently have an A grade in class, this assignment is optional.
After todays Notes: Copy each problem in your NB and complete with your team.
Use you CPM ebook and Kami to complete the following two problems 5-52,5-54
Round Robin. Each person takes a turn with WhiteBoard to present and work out problem. Team asks guiding questions to assist presenter. Show work for each problem (except the one you present) in NB. Label in FRONT of NB
DM: Review Negative and Rational Exponents
DM: Review Negative and Rational Exponents
Round Robin. Each person takes a turn with WhiteBoard to present and work out problem. Team asks guiding questions to assist presenter. Show work for each problem (except the one you present) in NB. Label in FRONT of NB
DM: Review Negative and Rational Exponents
DM: Review Negative and Rational Exponents
Watch the DM Video with earbuds or headphones. Take notes, attempt as many problems as possible in class with your team (everyone has the same problems).
If you have a calculator that does STATs, use your own! If not, use the Calculator offered on DeltaMath then transfer your skills to the class TI-84
Use your eBook to find the problems in Ch4 Section 1 Lesson 2 (4.1.2), scroll down to Preview-Review to find the problems. Write/do them in the flip side of your Notebook (in the back but upside down!). Attempt the problem with your best effort, use homework help/answers.... but don't "mindlessly copy"... Use it to learn! UPLOAD PICTURE OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT HERE!
Review or Learn MathCC Standards 7th grade. It is recommended you watch the videos, take notes or view Show examples on any content you haven't learned or forget!
Use to review/study for test along with OR the DeltaMath Ch3 Study Guide. This review some content from Ch 1,2 and 3. Every Chapter test in IM3 spiral assesses the previous content we have covered this year!
Problem #10 is Extra Credit. Each problem is worth 6 points. Your grade will go into Aeries as points out of 54. Show your work and number each problem to recieve possible partial credit.
Work with your team or individually to create a system of inequalities to sove a problem maximizizn participants (Green and Yellow Mini-monsters) in a tournament. This is like Linear Programming.
Watch videos and show examples ! Show work in the back of notebook.
Upload copy of Hand out here or Use Kami
To practice this Math8/Math1 Standard, watch videos and try problems. You must complete this and HW #20-23 to retake HW Quiz#4
To practice this Math8/Math1 Standard, watch videos and try problems. You must complete this and HW #20-23 to retake HW Quiz#4
Show work in Back of your Notebook. Label it Asg #23 upload pics here or in GC
Must Show your work in your Notebook in the back. Label it Asg #22 Solving Systems. Upload pics of your work shown here or in GC
Watch videos if you need to review ! Look at the Show Example Tab! Solving Equations with Distribution Level 3 required. Take notes!
Partner A complete ODD problems. Partner B complete EVEN problems. Partner B check Partner A's work with a CHECK mark and your initials, Partner A check Partner B's work with CHECK mark and your intials. Turn in by the end of the period for points
You have two days to complete this. Worth 20 pts! It is highly recommended you WATCH the Videos and take notes or look at SHOW EXAMPLE.
See attached Rubric and Resource Page (Hand outs) 6 Different Functions Families/10 pts each. Ex Credit Available!
Please turn in your actual PAPER booklet by Friday beginning of the period to Mrs. Bronzini's desk. Or to Mr. P on Thursday
Please turn in your actual PAPER booklet by Friday beginning of the period to Mrs. Bronzini's desk. Or to Mr. P on Thursday
Do your best! Gaol Quizizz tomorrow. You may finish this later.. finish your project!
You have two days to complete this. Worth 20 pts! It is highly recommended you WATCH the Videos and take notes or look at SHOW EXAMPLE.
In these NOTES IN THE FRONT of your Notebook. Copy or Summarize th Math Notes box in 2.2.1 and attempt problem 2-33.
If you were not able to complete this in class last Friday, please complete as HW this week!
Pick a color for each function family, highlight each graph or equation for that family. (Graphs and equations don't match, identify them completely separate!)
In the back of your Notebook, label Asg#, title, take notes on video, show examples or problems
Fill out ONLY one (partner A) Kami Doc but tell me in the comments of this assignment who you worked with so they will recieve credit! If you work alone in class, NO CREDIT. Use two calculators, but discuss and answer each question together. Parts 1 and Part 2!
Do in the back of your Notebook. Label the Asg # and each problem. Upload a picture of your assignment here. Any assignment may be checked for Notebook Check points. If it's turned in here, must be able to show it IN YOUR NOTEBOOK in class.
Do in the back of your Notebook. Label the Asg # and each problem. Upload a picture of your assignment here. Must be able to show this is indeed in YOUR Math Notebook.
Do in the back of your Notebook. Label the Asg # and each problem. Upload a picture of your assignment here. Must be able to show this is indeed in YOUR Math Notebook.
Help me get to know you. Please have fun filling out the slides. Please have them complete by next Friday.
After you have signed into Core Connections Integrated III ebook. Explore the eBook and fill out the questions with your table group. Don't split up the questions, answer them together so you all know! This assingment is Auto turned in and time stamped.