5th - PreAP Biology 23-24-Mrs. C Assignments

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Realize Login in Google Classroom

Realize Login

Please use the below link to connect your Google Classroom account to your Realize Account.


Pig Dissection Reflection in Google Classroom

Pig Dissection Reflection


Cow Eyeball Dissection in Google Classroom

Cow Eyeball Dissection


Ch21- C Human Body Vocab Quiz in Google Classroom

Ch21- C Human Body Vocab Quiz



Ch 21-3 The Human Brain Q&A in Google Classroom

Ch 21-3 The Human Brain Q&A


Ch21B Human Body Vocab Quiz in Google Classroom

Ch21B Human Body Vocab Quiz



Human Body Systems Presentation  in Google Classroom

Human Body Systems Presentation


Ch 21-A  Human Body Vocab Quiz in Google Classroom

Ch 21-A Human Body Vocab Quiz


Ch21 Human Body  Digital Vocab in Google Classroom

Ch21 Human Body Digital Vocab


Nature Walk on Earth Day in Google Classroom

Nature Walk on Earth Day

You will have 15 minutes to PEACEFULLY walk around the south end of campus around the B, C, & south side of the D building.  You are not allowed to disrupt or interfere with any classes in the buildings.  Your objective is to observe the natural flora and fauna to locate 3 examples of Biotic and Abiotic specimens.  If you find a ladybug or a caterpillar that is extra credit!   Take pictures of your specimens and insert them in the boxes provided.  You must be in the picture if it is the ladybug or caterpillar and no pictures from the internet.  It is springtime and we do live in the desert, be mindful of reptiles and do not engage if you see one, just walk away.


Ch6 Darwin Natural Selection Exam in Google Classroom

Ch6 Darwin Natural Selection Exam

Your interactive Journal is 15% of your exam score.  If your Journal is not complete you will not use it on your exam.


Chapter 6 Lab Evidence of Evolution in Google Classroom

Chapter 6 Lab Evidence of Evolution

Due at the end of class.


Ch 6  Vocab Quiz Darwin's Theory of Evolution  in Google Classroom

Ch 6 Vocab Quiz Darwin's Theory of Evolution

Vocab Quiz


Ch 6 Vocabulary Darwin in Google Classroom

Ch 6 Vocabulary Darwin

Due at the end of class


Ch12 Exam - RNA & Protein Synthesis  in Google Classroom

Ch12 Exam - RNA & Protein Synthesis


Ch 12 Transcription & Translation Vocab Quiz   in Google Classroom

Ch 12 Transcription & Translation Vocab Quiz

Vocab Quiz


Ch11 DNA Exam - 5th in Google Classroom

Ch11 DNA Exam - 5th



DNA Replication - Fill in the blank Lesson in Google Classroom

DNA Replication - Fill in the blank Lesson

- Fill in the blank Lesson


Ch 11 DNA Vocab Quiz in Google Classroom

Ch 11 DNA Vocab Quiz



Ch11-1 Quiz  - The Structure of DNA in Google Classroom

Ch11-1 Quiz - The Structure of DNA


Ch11 & 12 Digital Vocab Terms  in Google Classroom

Ch11 & 12 Digital Vocab Terms


Ch10 Exam Intro to Genetics  in Google Classroom

Ch10 Exam Intro to Genetics

15% of 70 points for exam = 10 points for IJ


Ch10 Quiz Intro to Genetics Vocab  in Google Classroom

Ch10 Quiz Intro to Genetics Vocab


Ch10-3 Quiz Other Patterns of Inheritance in Google Classroom

Ch10-3 Quiz Other Patterns of Inheritance


Ch 10-2 & 10-3 Interactivity worksheets in Google Classroom

Ch 10-2 & 10-3 Interactivity worksheets

Complete and insert into your Interactive Journal


Ch 10 Intro to Genetics Digital Vocabulary in Google Classroom

Ch 10 Intro to Genetics Digital Vocabulary

Due at the end of class period


Ch 10-4 Meiosis Exam  in Google Classroom

Ch 10-4 Meiosis Exam



Journal Check 4 ~ IJ pg 95 - 113  in Google Classroom

Journal Check 4 ~ IJ pg 95 - 113

1 TOC + 2 divider fronts + 17 pages + 3 extra Green Savvas pages = 23 *10 = 230 points


Meiosis Diagram Exam  in Google Classroom

Meiosis Diagram Exam



2.36 Meiosis Review Q&A in Google Classroom

2.36 Meiosis Review Q&A

These questions are due at the end of your class period WHEN THE BELL RINGS tomorrow, 11/30/2023.


Ch10-4 Vocab - Meiosis in Google Classroom

Ch10-4 Vocab - Meiosis


Ch17 - Exam - Cell Growth & Division in Google Classroom

Ch17 - Exam - Cell Growth & Division



Mitosis Oreo Lab in Google Classroom

Mitosis Oreo Lab

Assignment permanently closed @ 8:25 am 11/20/23.


Mitosis Oreo Lab Reflection in Google Classroom

Mitosis Oreo Lab Reflection


IJ Ck 3 - pg 53 to 95 in Google Classroom

IJ Ck 3 - pg 53 to 95

54 pages at 10 points per page.  

Assignment permanently closed @ 8:25 am 11/21/23.


Mitosis Oreo Lab Reflection in Google Classroom

Mitosis Oreo Lab Reflection


Ch17 - Diagram Exam - Mitosis in Google Classroom

Ch17 - Diagram Exam - Mitosis



Ch17  Cell Cycle IJ Vocab in Google Classroom

Ch17 Cell Cycle IJ Vocab

Assignment permanently closed @ 8:250sm  11/13/23.


Ch17 - Vocab Quiz - Cell Growth & Division in Google Classroom

Ch17 - Vocab Quiz - Cell Growth & Division



Intro to the Cell Cycle Quiz in Google Classroom

Intro to the Cell Cycle Quiz


Digital Vocab- Ch 17 Cell Cycle  in Google Classroom

Digital Vocab- Ch 17 Cell Cycle


Ch16 Cell Structure & Function Exam in Google Classroom

Ch16 Cell Structure & Function Exam


IJ Ck 2 - pg  23 to 53 in Google Classroom

IJ Ck 2 - pg 23 to 53

Insert images FULL SIZE and CLEAR.  One image per page and include the titles. Page 53 is a divider, just fold it, label it, color the edges and take the picture to upload.


Ch16 Cell Diagram Exam in Google Classroom

Ch16 Cell Diagram Exam



Ch 16 Vocab Cells IJ 25-30 in Google Classroom

Ch 16 Vocab Cells IJ 25-30

Ch 16 Vocab Cells IJ 25-30 

Cell Structure & Function Vocabulary IJ 25-30 - Please insert portrait/vertical or landscape/horizontal FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc and submit. Work not submitted by due date/time, will be 20-50% Late.  Assignment permanently closed @ 8:30sm  10/15/23.


U1Ch16 Cell S & F Digital Vocab in Google Classroom

U1Ch16 Cell S & F Digital Vocab


IJ Ck 1 - pg 0 to 23 in Google Classroom

IJ Ck 1 - pg 0 to 23

Insert images FULL SIZE and CLEAR.  One image per page and include the titles. Page 23 is a divider, just fold it, label it, color the edges and take the picture to upload.


Macromolecules Exam in Google Classroom

Macromolecules Exam



Scientific Method Exam in Google Classroom

Scientific Method Exam


Penny Lab CER & Reflection IJ pg 21 in Google Classroom

Penny Lab CER & Reflection IJ pg 21

Please insert portrait/vertical or landscape/horizontal FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc and submit. Work not submitted by due date/time,  will be 20-50% Late.  Assignment closes at 8:30am 9/30


Penny Lab -  IJ  pg 19-20 in Google Classroom

Penny Lab - IJ pg 19-20

Please insert portrait/vertical  FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc and submit. Work not submitted by due date/time, will be 20-50% Late. This assignment closes permanently Friday 9/29 @ 8:30 am.


DLC's - Scientific Method in Google Classroom

DLC's - Scientific Method

4 DLC's in 5 colors or more not counting black or white.  Print-outs are not acceptable.  IJ pg 15-18;  25pts each


Scientific Method Video Notes  in Google Classroom

Scientific Method Video Notes

5 colors or more not counting b&w, illustrations encouraged, minimum of 20 notes each video. 
IJ pg 13 - Scientific Method = 50 points 
IJ pg 14 - AS- Nature of Science = 50 points
Permanently closed @ 8:30am Tuesday 9/26


Protein Doodle Notes - IJ pg 10-12 in Google Classroom

Protein Doodle Notes - IJ pg 10-12

Please insert portrait (Vertically)  FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc and submit. Work not submitted by due date/time,  will be 20-50% Late.


What should we name our Skeleton? Offer Classroom appropriate suggestions and we will vote on the best name. in Google Classroom

What should we name our Skeleton? Offer Classroom appropriate suggestions and we will vote on the best name.


Nucleic Acids Doodle Notes - IJ pg 6-7 in Google Classroom

Nucleic Acids Doodle Notes - IJ pg 6-7

Please insert into this google document a HORIZONTAL, FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc and submit.


Lipids Doodle Notes - IJ pg 8-9 in Google Classroom

Lipids Doodle Notes - IJ pg 8-9

Please insert into this google document a HORIZONTAL, FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc and submit.


Carbohydrate Doodle Notes in Google Classroom

Carbohydrate Doodle Notes

Please insert into FULL SIZED (edge to edge and top to bottom) and CLEAR image into Google Doc.


Macromolecules QUIZ in Google Classroom

Macromolecules QUIZ



AS MacroMolecules Video Notes in Google Classroom

AS MacroMolecules Video Notes

IJ page 3.  20 notes minimum in color.  Illustrations and connections encouraged. Take a picture and upload it FULL size to the google doc in this assignment


All About Me in Google Classroom

All About Me


Welcome - Student Information in Google Classroom

Welcome - Student Information


Lab Safety Quiz in Google Classroom

Lab Safety Quiz